The Dream and the Prayer

Have you ever had some hopes and dreams - but they seemed so “far-fetched” and “out there” that they could never come true? This idea could be a for a dream job or a dream idea. You might think “I really have a desire to do this” but in the same breath you think “but there is just no way.”

Well, let me tell you a story. We had 10 things that were the “desires of our heart.” One such dream was to have a place we could restore and remodel. (this has been a dream since before we were married). A small older home that could be painted white. A back house or barn to be used for mentoring and workshops. A large garage or shop we could use to teach woodworking classes. And some land. But not too far out, or away from our family. Oh, and also something within our budget.   This dream seemed impossible where we were looking for houses - where the price of houses is high and the size of lots are extremely small. All of this in a sea of neighborhoods where there was seldom, if ever, a back house. Where land is precious and rare.

So I wrote down my list and prayed God would provide. There is not a demand or something we were entitled to - just laying the desires God had given us before Him and asking Him to provide, if that is His will. Like a good Father - He loves to provide good gifts when it is best for His children.

Over the next few months, I want to share our journey of how God brought about the reality of our dream in a way that only He could do. (to bring Him glory)

How do you recognize when God does something unbelievable? One of the ways is to dare to pray through your desires, hope and dreams. Allow Him to change them. Answer them. And watch to see Him at work. He is always at work, even when we are waiting and wondering what He is doing.

Has He answered my dreams and desires every time, the way I wanted Him to every time I prayed? No. There are times when He has answered them in ways I can’t understand and still don’t know “why”. But I can trust Him - as my Good Father who knows what is best for me.

We had 10 things we listed as “desires of our heart.” in my prayer journal. As we began to look for houses, I would pray for God to provide.











What are my dreams for this home?


To use it for others - meetings, mentoring, training, discipleship

( possibly use this paragraph somewhere…We have always dreamed of renovating an old home. Our dream has been to redo an older home, with a back house studio to be used for discipleship and workshops, and a large garage for Larry to teach woodworking. This dream seemed impossible where we were looking for houses - where the price of houses is high and the size of lots are extremely small. On September ….., God answered our prayers through a home that came on the market in the downtown historical area. A 100 year old home, with a studio and a workshop.)

What dreams do you have for the way God wants to use your life? Have you laid them before Him? Are you asking Him to provide? Are you asking Him to show you how He wants to use you? What are you praying for? Are you praying big prayers and believing God wants to use your life for His glory? Are you believing He can do above and beyond all you could ask or think - for His glory (Eph. 3:20)? One life will soon be past…how are you using yours? If you don’t pray, you won’t realize when He has answered it!

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