Consider Him...



Today, on June 1st, as our country and world experiences so much strife – Jesus offers hope. I invite you to “Consider Him…who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:3). Jesus came to this earth to be our SAVIOR. The Merriam-Webster says Savior is “One that saves from danger or destruction.” Oh how we need a SAVIOR – and Jesus is the answer.

As you look ahead at the days of summer, I invite you to take 100 days to learn about Jesus. Read a name each day in the book 100 Days with Jesus, or use the Journal to look up the scripture and name each day, discover the definition for yourself and try to explain who Jesus is in your own words. You can order the book and Journal at the link in my profile or on Amazon.

When I started studying the names that describe Jesus, I had no idea it would completely change my life. I am convinced you cannot look at Jesus for 100 days and remain the same. Use this with your children everyday this summer! They will ask “what is the name for Jesus today?” In these uncertain days, give them the hope of Jesus and the confidence of knowing our SAVIOR! HE is the greatest HOPE I can offer you today! #itsallaboutjesus#100dayswithjesus

Diann CottonComment