Just like you...

Day 2 Just like you.png


Day 2
Just like you, I have had a lot of time to think during this Quarantine. Time to think about what really matters. Some days have been really difficult – challenging. Trying. Just like you, I care about family and relationships. Those have been hard to develop, hard to connect with during this time. I have had to wrestle with what is going on in our world. The uncertainty. Confusion about what is next. Wondering if life will ever become normal again.

I have thought a lot about what is really important. When it comes down to life and death – what really matters?

I have talked with others who are wondering the same things.

And I have come to believe it really is all about Jesus.

I have friends who don't believe in Jesus, or just don’t think He is that important to their life. You may be like them. I have wanted to look at the Bible with them – to discover who Jesus is along with them. This study was created for that purpose.

That is John’s purpose too.

John began in the beginning, like any storyteller would. He told of Jesus’ life, where He was from, and why He came to earth. His purpose. His story spans about three years of Jesus’ life. John was the closest one to Jesus – describing himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” (I love that so much. I can imagine anyone who knew Jesus thought they were “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” He must have been able to look into their eyes and extend a love to them they had never experienced.) Just like trying to describe a best friend to someone else, John is trying to give me a picture of who Jesus is. First, in John 1:1-3, he describes Jesus as the WORD. “In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God and the WORD was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him and without Him was not anything made that was made.” Ask yourself these questions today:

Where did Jesus come from?
What do I see today that was created by Him?
How is this different from what I thought about Jesus?  #itsallaboutjesus#comeandyouwillsee#100dayswithjesus

Diann CottonComment