#97  UNCHANGEABLE   "Jesus Christ is the SAME yesterday and today, yes and forever."  Hebrews 13:8


Full Definition of Unchangeable

:  not able to change or  be changed :  immutable



changeless, stable, stationary, steady, constant, unvarying, fixed, hard-and-fast, immutable, inalterable, incommutable, invariable, unalterable, immutable, established, set, settled, ceaseless, continuing, durable, enduring, lasting, permanent


Jesus, You are UNCHANGEABLE!!  You are always the SAME!! You are changeless, stable, steady, constant, established, durable, enduring and permanent!  Oh how my heart longs for things in this world to stay the same  - but only in You, Jesus, will I find that security!  When I look for it in this world, I am disappointed.  But when I look for it in You - I am satisfied and secure!  I want to lean into You Jesus!  You are the One who is constant, unvarying, ceaseless, settled, established, permanent, unalterable!   As I look to You, I am steady and fortified.   You Jesus - are UNCHANGEABLE!!!  I want to look to You - the One who is ETERNALLY  TRUSTWORTHY!  You were the SAME at the beginning of time when You created the world - You were the SAME when You provided a way of salvation - and now You are the SAME as You reign forever in heaven!  I can RELY on You to be constant and changeless.  I can place my complete trust in You now and forever - because You NEVER CHANGE!!  Your love for me stays the SAME now and for all of eternity!  I bow down before You King Jesus - You alone are worthy of all my trust and all my worship!!!! You are UNCHANGEABLE!!


(Who are you looking to for security?  Worship and praise Jesus, the One who is UNCHANGEABLE!)#100dayswithjesus

Diann CottonComment